What are You Reading This Week? — May 23, 2024

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After a couple of flops in a row, I’m happy to report that I seem to have averted a reading slump. Reading can be so unpredictable — I picked up a book in the same genre with the same authors as a title I loved and ended up not liking it, while one I picked up by a new author that I knew almost nothing about was a success! But that’s part of the joy of being a reader: you never know when your next book will be a new favorite…or a complete miss.

This week, I recommended recent picture books for task #11 of the 2024 Read Harder Challenge. I love that other Book Riot writers gave their own suggestions, so it represents a big range of tastes and styles. I ended up putting holds on about a dozen picture books while writing that post, so I’m looking forward to reading those soon!

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